Remember Innocence?

Published May 23, 2012 by pushcake

I realize that my innocence is truly gone. Not in the sexual sense, I haven’t yet experienced that, but I remember the exact moment that my childlike innocence slipped away, and the awareness of it was the worst moment of my life. I was thrown into another mindset as quickly and as clean as one can snap a dry twig. I remember the sudden loss of inner peace of mind. The knowledge of the world had finally overcome my innocence of it, and I was left flailing in paranoia. Does anyone else remember the exact moment when they lost that innocence? Please talk to me.

2 comments on “Remember Innocence?

  • I dont remember it off hand but i do miss it. I watch my daughter, enviously, as she plays each day without a care. I wish i could protect her somehow but its everywhere these days.

    • You can protect her and I know you will, because no fury is greater than that coming from a tough ol’ mama bear. And when she grows older she’ll thank you for keeping her safe and sound in a not so safe and sound world.

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